Saturday, May 26, 2012

Money Woahs (or woes...)

So as I mentioned before, right before Amanda and I got married, I took a new job.  That job involves leading a team of fifteen people.  In taking this job, I ended up taking an actual "take home" pay cut due to a lack of commission.  This was something that Amanda and I discussed prior to taking the job. and decided it was worthwhile.  I wasn't really prepared for the financial shock that ensued. 

I suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and I fall within the subtype of "Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive".  I spent a very long time denying this fact.  It wasn't until Amanda and I started dating that it really became apparent.  I remember sitting in an office and being read a list of "symptoms", and it was though I was being read back a list of what I had come to identify as personality flaws.  Or, ways that I identify with most house cats. 

So anyways, one of the places that my impulsiveness is most prevalent is in the financial realm.   So, on Thursday, I got paid and I realized there was a big inequality between what needed to be paid and what I had.  I am not particularly apt with money.  In fact, ask Amanda, the Saturday morning after pay day, Amanda and I usually get breakfast somewhere, but first I spend six hours on my laptop trying to figure out how to make my money work.  By the time we get breakfast, she is usually suffering from hypoglycemia.  Over the past several days, I probably spent 14 hours trying to figure out what to do when life hands you one lemon, but you need eighty five.  My mind suggested things like "Why don't you go to the Horseshoe, you might do well there.".  I am well aware of my propensity for downright stupid ideas, but this one was like... the stupidest.  I didn't do it luckily.  But the route I chose to take was not any better.  Having heard about finances and marriage and the divorce rate statistics that are associated,  I thought it best not to tell Amanda about this. 

Amanda's views and my own on finances are very different; and I respect that.  But she's very serious about money, and I'm always concerned that anything involving money will undoubtedly blow up in my face.  That probably stems from having a financially conservative mother growing up who was relatively responsible with money, and myself being someone who was not. 

So, anyways, Amanda spent six hours trying to figure out how to make eighty five lemons out of one.  Anyways, here we are six hour... okay, that's a lie.  She figured it out in two. three tops.  There was yelling. A surrendering of my garage space.  A review of the five w's from Introduction to Investigative journalism.  And now we're here, sitting beside each other.  It wasn't a pretty situation, she took her cat and ... okay that's a lie too... The details don't really matter.  But, we worked it out and made a plan.  And the future looks a little brighter; That is if I stay away from the Apple Store.  

1 comment:

  1. So... I was just trying to let her read this article, and I kept scrolling and highlighting things... She hates that.
